Curtis Yarvin may be hyperintelligent, but he outsmarts himself repeatedly. Just look at the computer language he developed, the one which cannot do integer subtraction.

And if you look at Western Europe, look for which country has resisted invasion. That would be Switzerland, the most democratic country in the world.

I learned decades ago that freedom is easy to lose and double plus hard to get back. England has still not recovered from William the Conqueror's invasion. Russian voted for communism for the same reason that most American Blacks vote Democrat: in the first half of the 1800s the legal status of the median Russian was little different from that of American Blacks. Russian style serfdom was basically slavery.

Freedom takes practice. God made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years to get rid of their slave mentality before giving them a borderline anarcho-capitalist utopia.

Anyone who thinks that monarchy is the answer should read the Book of Kings. David stole men's wives, broke his word repeatedly, and put his personal feelings above the good of the nation when his eldest son started a civil war. Solomon killed his brothers and looted the country to build a gigantic playboy mansion. And those were the *good* kings.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Anyone who thinks democracy and “freedom” is the answer should seriously study the french revolution. The issue is too much freedom and not enough sensible restraint on damaging behaviors. Freedom to do what? Bang trannies? Die with a needle in your arm? Diddle kids and have it be socially accepted?

As for the british, they never “recovered” because they’re not capable of ruling, this has been known since the time of the romans, and that Norman group made up their ruling caste in their empire. Without them they would’ve stayed a shitty island off europe.

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Aug 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

You've made a compelling case for optimism, for looking past all the clownshow chaos and seeing potential opportunities to exploit. I am usually prone to pessimism when it comes to politics, but you're really making me take another look at things and wonder if I need to revamp my thinking and perspective. Excellent post!

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Thanks my friend

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Aug 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

20 million illegals? There were at least 35 million when Ann Coulter wrote "Adios America", while the MSM was still parroting the 11 million number from 2000. The number of illegal aliens is probably at least 60 million today, *plus* amnestied illegals who are not counted anymore, *plus* the "American citizen" children of illegals. Remember that Whites are now a minority of births in the US, and it isn't blacks that are the cause. There are a hell of a lot more than 20 million people who don't belong here.

The very first action needed is to withdraw from any international agreement and repeal any law that requires us to take in foreigners, whether "refugees" or whatever. It would also help if we would stop creating refugees through military activity. End the ridiculous "birthright citizenship" scam.

And yes, it will require cops and/or National Guard to go door to door. Trump and Vance are far too moderate on this issue. I doubt that they have the stomach to do what needs to be done to restore the country.

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Aug 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Will have to go back and check that out. Not tonight tho am tired as hell. I would certainly like to see RFK and others hop in with Trump. Hearing that out there in some places. We really need a unified front. John Carter had a great piece about the election theft that is incoming.

Personally have lost some faith in Trump but that doesn’t matter now. We must get behind him and get him in. The stakes are far too high. This one is for all the marbles. To be honest I am just thrilled there appears to be an election at all after last 4 years.

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As for deporting illegals, start with those applying for welfare.

Then, flatten the tax rate at the bottom and provide a Citizen Dividend to allow citizens to compete with foreign workers and imported products. Since we are going flat, we can make most of the taxes tariffs and excises. Illegals will either pay or not consume. (The income tax was supposed to be a surcharge for the truly rich anyway. Let's go back to the original intent of the 16th Amendment.)

Finally, charge real admission for citizenship. Make it the annuity value of the Citizen Dividend.

Self-deportation would happen. We'd even get a decrease in legal immigration.

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The only way to deport illegals is to convince Americans that they will need to accept Digital ID. That's the deal T-Rump an AdVance will be offering.

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Under current EVerify Law, which is not currently enforced, illegal immigration could be solved by punishing businesses and corporations a penalty of $5,000 per day per illegal migrant worker. This would not require any bureaucratic expansion or changes.

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No one will be enforcing that law from either side of the aisle. Deportation is a huge can of worms, once opened, the SHTF. Deportation is more problem-reaction-solution. That's all we get from govt.

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wait until digital ID and CBDC will be introduced to counter the illegals as you say. the right will be happy and willing to put their own head into the guillotine because it is a plan of trump so it is great idea!

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Aug 25Liked by Billionaire Psycho

How about we start at thirty million and work up from there?

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Aug 25Liked by Billionaire Psycho

This must be pushed & lobbied for not merely hopes for.

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Aug 24Liked by Billionaire Psycho

That would violate the sacred GDP’s religious/constitutional right to forever maintain its upward trajectory. (Her body her upward trajectory <am I right?>)


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Aug 23Liked by Billionaire Psycho

I found the "go door to door asking for papers" thing funny because everyone in my house is an American citizen, so like normal people we are registered to vote and have driver's licenses and pay taxes and in fact you can see we live here on the publicly available county property tax search. The government knows who lives here without knocking.

If my social security number or address is associated with an illegal alien it means someone has stolen my identity (or tried to) and in fact the government should speak to me to get it figured out.

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Aug 22Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Needing a "permission structure " to embrace very different ideas is just a standard part of being a midwit (normal person). Ido not think it is politically coded. For myself (a midwit), Moldbug gave me this permission, helped by how fun UR is to experience. Perhaps it is higher brow, but Moldbug took me, and a lot of us by the hand. Any non primary source (and some primary sources) do this, and the completeness of the narrative is going to measure how close of a leash your custodian wants.

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Yes it's a personality trait. Every personality has benefits and disadvantages. There is no single ideal persona.

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Aug 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

I would point out that this unrealized capital gains tax idea is just to get votes. No way even a fraction of that gets implemented. Administration knows it has no chance. Just another collection of words that exhibits a complete lack of integrity.

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You might be correct, I can’t tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and serious proposals.

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Aug 22Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Also, I don’t think any of us can truly decode that lol

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Aug 22Liked by Billionaire Psycho

That’s fair. I’ve been on this thing lately about paying debts. Not necessarily the money kind. A recent movie called The Covenant dove deep into the concept. America is fucking horrible at paying our actual debts, from the top, to individual citizens. But…from a “what was promised” perspective, America is dreadful. Integrity is incredibly valuable. It’s one of those indispensable qualities, that make other deficiencies able to be dealt with. A lack of integrity is fatal, no matter what other skills you may possess. Generalizing this to America with foreign policy, domestic policy, and campaign promises, etc, shows that we are not a country of our word. We do not pay our debts.

You’d think for all the money and power, politicians would make sure the people that put them there, are well taken care of. Either they could care less about the people, or it’s not really the people that put them there. Maybe. I dunno.

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Profoundly true

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Logically, a government should value producers. But at this stage of imperial decline, a global empire is ruled by a corrupt effeminate priesthood who fear the rise of an internal rival power structure. Therefore they breed dependence, addiction, and weakness. So productive Americans are systemically purged through affirmative action, and replaced by incompetent foreigners.

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Aug 22Liked by Billionaire Psycho

…and here we are

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Aug 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Great write-up. Thorough. Just opening my eyes to so much of the DETAIL of the corruption that I knew was there.

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I also am elated about what’s happening recently. Watching our decrepit President using what’s left of his neurons to walk straight, feels like a reward for going through the mess these past few years. Yet it’s also ridiculous to see a man, who in normal timeline would eating ice cream while watching Jay Leno’s Car Garage at a nursing home, as the President. To add insult to injury, Kambala Cocktail is even more retarded and is paraded out as the next Oprama or something. This has to be some sort of humiliation ritual the elites orchestrated, I won’t accept any other explanation.

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Quick note. (I didn't read the previous essay)

There's no "middle class" in China.

At the top of the pyramid is "the party cadre", below it sits the "private enterprise" and below this are the rurals and workers.

If you check out the pension system in China this becomes quite clear. There's a real crisis for the normies. PCs are averaging USD 1k a month, PEs are USD 500 and RWs are at 200 or less. Obviously these are averages. If I remember correctly, there's 10m PCs, 20m PEs and 200m RWs. This is one part of the reasons they can't get their "internal consumption" side of the econ equation to stimulate growth. The vast majority save whatever surplus they can get. Sure, they might be the current global production center, but that's why they're hooked on exports. And yes they have plenty of billionaires and millionaires, etc, but that's elite.

As for the CY vs CR debate, what if neither?

For instance. Suppose there's a premise of the dog wagging the tail, even though sometimes, like now, the tail in the Levant wags the dog across the Atlantic, it might then be opportune to contemplate whether the US stopped being the dog in circa 1990 (China went vertical in the 80s. Coincidence?) and has been the tail of another dog ever since? The elites always pack their bags before the decline (ex Brits circa WW1 or Rome splitting into East and West), so maybe "we're" too proud to see things as they really are. Even if there was an opportunity (CY), there might not be anything left worth saving. Personally I'm CR minded until the end (but I live in EU and have no skin in the game), but it might be better to learn to prep or dodge, and opt to live in a physically small country that can't rely on brute force and so won't get drunk on its hubris.

On the one hand, the USofA was built on manifest destiny of private enterprise and endeavor, small government and agile finance, but the solution today is more, but different, government, "because maga" is top down. Wait, what?

It amazes me to no end the inordinate hope Trump gets imbued with. '16-'20 was the norm, not the exception, and if you believe the cool aid for a hypothetical '24-'28 then don't crap on the normies for being delusional. Trump's a despicable human trust fund baby with good business instincts, but he never studies and doesn't have a learning framework. KH exposed his arrogant inadequacies as he fell for the bait repeatedly. And suppose he wins, because he picked Vance, therefore abracadabra...

The most obvious sign that the brains behind the elites have already abandoned the USofA are the myriad mistakes being made by those claiming to be in charge of the USofA right now.

Big picture: If the USofA falls, so much for the bill of rights and freedom. And maybe that's the whole point of this historical exercise. There's no going back to a world before Oct. 7 '23 or Feb. 26 '22 . The entire world is watching this spectacular farse of a naked emperor with a big stick.

A partial secession, with the right timing, leaving the bloated carcass behind, might be a better gambit than trying to copy Shenzhen. It worked for the Romans and could draw from the best of both YC and CR.

I look at where I'm at (Italy) and there is no reforming this lard donkey. Most people here think 90% of the global cultural heritage is from Italy; the world outside Italy? Forgetaboutit! That's a successful psyop if ever there was one (and we solved the AI riddle by banning chat gpt 🤣).

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Stefano, why would you comment on an article you didn't read?

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22 hrs agoLiked by Billionaire Psycho

I did read it.

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I'm just responding to what you said here, "Quick note. (I didn't read the previous essay)"

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22 hrs agoLiked by Billionaire Psycho

Sorry, my bad then. I wanted to get back to it, but got caught in Carter's latest essay and then real life caught up with me.

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No worries bro

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22 hrs agoLiked by Billionaire Psycho

Because I've studied special economic zones and have a bit more than cursory knowledge of China. I didn't read your previous essay (and may or may not), but you reference it in part in this essay. Most of my comment was on your current essay.

Personally I think seeking the solution to the current malaise, which is political (and sociological, and before this spiritual), in economics, is misguided.

Shenzhen is because Hong Kong. It cannot be recreated anywhere else. Special economic zones exist all over the world, but there's only 1 Shenzhen.

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Your comments on China are interesting and informative to me but they don't address the observations in my article about Shenzhen.

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So now is the time to discuss pogroms. Much like Elizabethan England gave charters to Privateer/Pirate militias, an entity is needed to charter the pogromming of S&P500 corporations that are Zionist controlled. Lawfare will not get your country back from Jews. And the victors will receive the spoils. 1000’s of domestic, Patriot oligarchs will be created. Trillions of dollars of assets are waiting to be reclaimed by reconquistadors.

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Seems like a bad idea. There are much easier methods to achieve the same result. If you penalize corporations and small businesses $5,000 per day per illegal migrant worker, you will cause companies to police themselves. And you can offer citizens a $1,000 bounty to report illegal workers, creating an effective apparatus for free.

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Haha. You misread my message. I am saying it is time to pogrom the Jews. We need an entitiy that will give charters to attack and control Jewish-controlled corporations worldwide. The victorious militias will own the spoils. Trillions of asset will be repossessed by force, not by lawfare. 1000’s of new patriot oligarchs will be made worldwide.

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Thanks, I strongly disagree.

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Aug 25Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Well, thanks to derivatives, there are 10 claims on every asset in the world right now. This will be settled in a lawfare and mafia melee. Might as well get Patriot military contractors and state militias in on the asset grab. In the meantime, take note of how Houthi rebels target Jewish shipping hising under Greek flags. Jewish shipping will be uninsurable. So too, Jewish companies on the S&P500 can be uninsurable.

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Your proposal is missing something obvious which you should consider.

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Here you suggested, "So now is the time to discuss pogroms. Much like Elizabethan England gave charters to Privateer/Pirate militias, an entity is needed to charter the pogromming of S&P500 corporations that are Zionist controlled. Lawfare will not get your country back from Jews."

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