Jul 11, 2023Liked by Billionaire Psycho

The tweet about millennials becoming middle aged, and only seeing a world in decline really hit home for me. I'm 41, and I got a glimpse of American pride and optimism in my youth. Joined the Marines, and then contracted for a while, and fighting a useless war ground me into dust. Watching the debacle and degeneracy of the Obama regime wasn't enough to wake me up completely but made me realize we were on a bad road.

By the time of the COVID bullshit, the insane acceleration of social justice and gender/tranny shit, and after watching everyone seemingly lose their goddamn minds I lost whatever respect I had for the masses, for my long-held ideals of populism and libertarianism, I felt compelled to take the shadow box my wife made for me and throw it in the trash.

I was embarrassed that I didn't see what was going on sooner. I was embarrassed I was a pawn in Globohomo's game.

My wife stopped me from trashing it, and I suppose I'm glad she did. It still, sometimes, brings good memories of youth, virility, brotherhood and camraderie and strength. That being said, I feel like a tired, out of shape old man.

I feel every ounce of the fatigue and exhaustion you describe, and I couldn't have put it better. I'm still trying to figure out the "do something" part and struggle with just giving up. "There might be hope for the youth, but not me", my defeatist side says.

Eh, sorry, just griping, but wanted to let you know that the article got to me.

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I restack-quoted so many passages from this most excellent poast! You do a wonderful job articulating what so many people have sensed but struggled to formulate about the problems of postmodern life. A really masterful job tying together all these different but related threads and analyzing what the big picture means. One of the best things I've read in a while!

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I don't think anyone can truly sum up everything going wrong and broken in the West today... but damn it if this doesn't come the closest I've seen. Very impressive. There's a lot of great stuff collected from Twitter here, too.

There's really too much to even touch on since there's so much great content here, but, suffice to say, excellent job, here.

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Fantastic piece as always

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I am in awe of how spicy and long your posts are. Keep it up, comrade.

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Most of what you're saying isn't wrong, but this is six to eight different articles smashed together ramshackle. Nothing is substantiated in a serious way. Most of it is pronouncement and insinuation. To use Ryan Faulk's old term, you are a "sayer of things."

If you are embedded in the dissident e-right, much of your subject is either taken for granted or a literal repost of other people's greatest hits. If you aren't embedded in the e-right much of it would be impenetrable or nonsense. A friendly audience will take the whirlwind of pronouncements and unexamined graphs for granted, while everyone else is backing away slowly from the stream of inchoate concepts. I am sure there will be much acclaim in reposting other people's winner tweets and green texts.

The original topic of your article; moral authority, pornography, young men and economic explanations, is lost in a sea of "but wait, there's more!" There would be an excellent article in proving your points that porn is a cope for economic ruptures and decay.

There is a good article to be written here. If you had restrained yourself to examining and criticizing Hawley's statements, you might have achieved something more enduring. What you have at present is a wide ranging criticism of liberal modernity that falls short of completing the job on every count. It fails in this way, not because your conclusions are wrong, necessarily, but because you have cast your net so wide you can't haul in the fish. Put more tritely, you've bitten off more than you can chew and taken the reader along with you for every feverishly over heated bite.

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This was an absolute epic of an essay. Really brilliant and worth the long read.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Billionaire Psycho

The problem with modern "man" is that quite frankly men have taken to the habit of judging their value based on the opinion of women not other men. This has led to acceptance of many unhealthy things in today's society. Acceptance of quite frankly ludicrous behavior in society that it is man's not women's job to put a stop too.

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The commodification of every aspect of life makes for a war of all against all, a Wind-and-Wolf Age where women sell their bodies online to the very men who in another, better, time would build a home with them and provide for them. God designed men and women as complements to one another; nothing is more fundamentally dysfunctional than having us compete.

The imagery of the rib is profound. There is a term for when a body part spreads beyond its natural function: cancer.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Billionaire Psycho

I only pity the fact that few I could share this with would be bothered to read its entirety, because the further in I got the more illuminating the work became. But regardless of this, everywhere I look, and to all the corners of the internet I cultivate, I see this same fractal pattern repeating - the same brotherhoods you describe forming, and the same realization dawning. We're on the way to that success. It won't come tomorrow, but what in life is immediate?

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This is gold on so many levels. It’s funny how what in one generation represents freedom becomes oppression in the following generation. So one must travel light, be nimble and clear-headed to spot the truth, the ever changing truth, burn past ideas when they become stale and fake, and look for the next generation’s path to freedom. It will always be a subtle path at first, hardly noticeable in the wild, much less enticing that the official superhighway, but once seen, impossible to ignore. And what was true before and became evil will become true again, but changed, morphed, mutated, rid of some parts, enriched by others. And follow it we must, if not for us because change is so slow and inertia so powerful that we will not see it fully realised, at least for our children and grandchildren, to leave them mentally ready to understand the world and for them to have a fighting chance to be, at least, content. To sleep well. To be strong. To see far away, understand their own world, and leave their succession as ready as they were.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Billionaire Psycho

This is a magnum opus. Nothing else will suffice to describe it. Well done.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Billionaire Psycho

First time here, and WOW that was great!

Postmodern society is so frustrating at times. There is no healthy way to express one's sexuality (honestly, there probably never has been), and we're presented with two extremes: hypersexuality or complete celibacy that men (specifically) feel has been thrust upon them.

Brotherhood is most certainly the answer. I personally love the modern Gen Y/Z aspects of the internet that talk about philosophy and self-improvement. Even though the digital world is never as good as the real one, it still provides the framework for a brotherhood, at least in my opinion.

Maybe this is just the old-school feminist in me, but I also hope that women embrace sisterhood and come together to improve, reflect, and be stronger. Society needs strong women, too.

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When I die, I'm commissioning a lament to be read at my funeral from Billionaire Psycho.

It might come out as a comprehensive autobiography, but I hope to have enough of an estate to pay the difference.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Was a child of an immigrant. Parents liked to tell me amazing stories about our home country, & I also liked reading & learning about American history & brilliance. My father, especially, was very impressed by the incredible American spirit & hoped his kids would benefit. None of us have, both parents are depressed, we are losing our money: I almost cry sometimes. What a beautiful future turned to chaos.

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Excellent piece. Thank you for writing it.

I especially like the hard realism combined with your determined subtle optimism. There is always a way, and despair is voluntary defeat. That is a very difficult thing to pull off and you present it well.

I am working on a piece covering some of the same material, namely male-female relations. It is easy to become despondent and you cover the reasons why. Women degraded by feminist ideology, the high body counts, the ubiquitous presence of dating apps that distort reality, and the damning statistics. And yet your reminder women are endlessly malleable, that good women exist. And what else can we do except work with what we have? Plus they have become victims of their own nature and are just as caught up in all this as anyone else.

This was genuinely great.

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