Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Great post. Napoleon found the crown lying in the gutter. If only the American crown could be so dignified as to be left in the street. Instead it's been placed on the head of a purple-haired twink pretending to be a woman, twerking in front of a group of traumatized toddlers. This clownshow has to end, and when it does, the clowns have got to pay for their sins.

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Also, thank you Daniel, appreciate the encouragement

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Incredibly clear eyed assessment.

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Thanks bro

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Fuckin awesome article bro.

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Really thoughtful arguments!

I disagree, to a point, only with your assessment that there is no bravery, and that people are unwilling to stand against tyranny as long as they're nullified with comfort. Jan. 6 showed, also to a point, people are willing to stand.

The problem is there's no plan, and never has been, of action on how to legitimately get law and order back on track. Trump didn't have a plan, and that's why everything went so haywire. The whole day was a stupid outburst of anger. It might have gone differently if there was an organized peaceful resistance and a plan on what was wanted and how to achieve it, but none of that materialized and we got what we got.

I think people are waiting. Waiting to see what happens with Trump and with the elections. Waiting to see how far they're going to be pushed. I don't know what will happen if everything goes south and I pray it doesn't. I could see people rolling over, they did with COVID. They lost their own businesses rather than taking a stand and a simple fine. But COVID also revealed a lot as well to the entire population who was asleep to what was really going on in the country. So, I don't know.

Solzhenitzyn said the people were to blame for the Soviet State. No one fought it and everyone accepted its lies en mass and that's what people are doing now too.

I think there's a chance people won't accept getting trod on. There's a chance Trump gets reelected and restores law and order. The current trajectory points rather to Trump losing (because of the voting machines being so easy to hack) the elections being permanently fixed, and everyone rolling over. But it could turn.

So I guess we'll see.

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

There is no plan because the people are so easy to divide. Division in is power, and pays very well.

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Except they’re so blatant and stupid and inconsistent about it they blew it, and everyone sees it now… 1984 was written as a parody, those are George Orwell’s words in his last interview as he was dying to the BBC. On Youtube. Well Parody works in a lame comedy sketch, parody doesn’t go in real life.

You do realize the Elites are in a TV show in their own minds right?

They’re in a fantasy world.

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Agree with the assessment that the elites are smoking their own dope. Some are true believers in the greater agenda, the Long March, and some are just so in love with imagining that their clouds have become castles. Overreach could be the thing that turns the tide.

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I also think there's no defining plan against the elite's destruction. how do you bring back common sense once its been corrupted and destroyed? we need people at the top willing to empower the people on the ground to be able to do the things they need to do to keep us all safe, but how do you get rid of the blob, the amorphus beaurocratic state? how do we just enforce common sense laws, get rid of Soros' DA's, prosecute all criminals, get our mental facilities back up and running hopefully with intelligent and compassionate people heading them, enact policies that help addicts get off drugs, like countries in the netherlands have figured out, start teaching STEM and bring back actual humanities in the education system, along with the pledge of allegiance, close the borders and make it easier for people who want to assimilate legally do it faster, cheaper, and easier, round up and send back the millions of people who came in illegally over the last four years, stop spending federally and pay off our debt? make term limits for upper echelon politicians? I don't see any of this happening, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. What comes after Trump? Is my generation of the millenials really ready to handle these problems?

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I have no plan except one individual at a time, one family at a time, one community at a time. It is a malaise of the heart as well as the mind and cannot be cured by other than prayer. Is your generation up to the task? I truly don't know. The stakes are quite high.

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It will turn on the script of the Color Revolution ™️ that’s running already in America.

The Color Revolution ™️ has an excellent record of starting wars and conflicts for profit, mind you running in your own country when you’ve lost;

The Police



(The above are the same clusters of family generationally including mine).

The people

The working class

Your prime demographics of minorities are defecting

Your replacement demographics the Hispanics and Asians are disgusted

Elites in Finance and tech are defecting

Elites can’t count on anyone they used before because of faithlessness

Lack of talent under 80 in DC

…, then profit may be difficult

…. This is for example how Russia gained from failing efforts in Georgia, Kazakistan , now Ukraine at cost mind you…

Iran from Iraq debacle

The Taliban took back Afghanistan..

No foreign allies to speak of and they cannot help in USA

…. So the script works for Arson at a Nation scale… that’s it.

Let’s see how they plan to Fail Up on this one…

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

There is no plan because the people are so easy to divide. Division in is power, and pays very well.

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

…”where is hunters mugshot”…!!.

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

We have been saved by overreach before. I don't look for it this time, but it remains a possibility.

The circus is running wide open but the bread is moldy. Will it be noticed? In time?

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho


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Thanks Nate, I appreciate you

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The predictions of the future following the villains confronted by the Hero….

Any future predictions are of course problematic.

The real problem is you’re ignoring the Color Revolution script that’s already running in America and the franchise has a Marvelous ™️ success rate if you define Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Libya and others as successful. Certainly the Franchise has profited and without personal risk.

…and there’s just one more thing… it’s what they do and they don’t know how to do anything else.

They fail states. And they’re failing DC now.

DC is ending, let the struggle begin. The struggle and something like Syria only takes money.

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Good critique, thank you

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

Hes a mind controlled actor playing the role of billionare. They are all actors.

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Let’s see how the Ruling Class ©️plan to Fail Up on this one…

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Jun 21Liked by Billionaire Psycho

up to hanging on a lightpole maybe

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I know what verses you mean. I know you know this song.

First verse:

We've got the right to choose, and

There ain't no way we'll lose it

This is our life, this is our song

We'll fight the powers that be, just

Don't pick on our destiny, 'cause

You don't know us, you don't belong

Second verse:

Oh, you're so condescending

Your call is never ending

We don't want nothin', not a thing from you

Your life is trite and jaded

Boring and confiscated

If that's your best, your best won't do


We're not gonna take it!

No, we ain't gonna take it!

We're not gonna take it anymoooore!

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

O please T rump is obviously a Zionist stooge just like every other populist politician around the world one just has to do a little research to figure that out it’s so obvious..All the maga folks are deceived and that’s a shame because I have many that are family and friends.. I understand that people want to believe that there is someone fighting for them but they only see the surface stuff and don’t care to look a little deeper to figure it out..Trump was and would be a better president than Biden no doubt but they are all Zionist stooges and can’t be trusted in my opinion.

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So fuck it don’t even vote? What point are you trying to make or are you just wanting attention?

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I don’t plan on voting and I am pretty sure I made my point clear..Do I need to spell it out to you ? I am only here to share information and possibly have discussions with people.Do you have any other questions ?

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The sky is blue. What’s that have to do with the article anymore than Trump being a Zionist. You want to have a discussion on Israel and Zionism do so. I’m no fan of either. But what’s that got to do with the article?

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You are sounding a little antagonistic what’s up with that ? Are you a Substack comment cop or something..And what is your point ?

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

I didn’t mean to be antagonistic. Reading back I was a douche. Still though, what’s supporting zionists have to do with what the article was about? It really wasn’t pro Trump much.

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

I am not sure how the process works exactly I read an article and process it for a while and if I feel moved to comment on it I do and whatever comes out comes out..Just how it works..Any way I am getting off line and doing some real life shit Later.

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho


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I didn't think you were rude at all

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Jun 20Liked by Billionaire Psycho

I was replying to Bradley. I could have left out the “looking for attention” part.

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Excellent post.

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