This guy bears all the common attributes of someone with thoroughly poor judgement and an impaired ability to navigate the world. The fact that some young naive dudes are "attracted" to the theatrical impression of his life reveals just how low we have fallen in terms of social intelligence and in the way we communicate and perpetuate subtlety of judgment in our people. Funnily enough, he looks like the kind of caricature the nazis would make to discourage race-mixing. The kids who take him seriously are not alright.

The best way to become as resentful towards women as you can be is by hanging out with the kind of women he "pimps". I understand his life trajectory in a way, sports is often the only recourse in this case.

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The quote below may just be the single dumbest thing ever written by a "RW" figure.

It's the comical fantasy of a closeted gay dork dreaming about living in an underworld far away from his namby pamby republican environment, among the "dangerous" lowlifes he's attracted to but would never be accepted by.

That's ALL this is. Nothing more.

Anyone who's a day over 25 and has an ounce of life experience would laugh their asses off reading this cringe horseshit:

"I imagine a network of brothels and gambling-houses around the world, production of porn videos, and a complete penetration of the world of vice. Yes, to ensnare, to compromise, to corrupt, and above all to observe and to know their secrets."

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Hello again.

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He reminds me of Hugh Hefner with less than half the connections, business acumen, and class, and about the same societal value. It's highly unlikely he'll be remembered longer than Hefner, and he appears even less interested in building anything that will outlive him.

That said, even with steroids he put in enough time & effort to look fantastic, gotta give him that.

Let's check back in in 10 years and see if he makes anything of value out of himself. Didn't he convert to Islam? Maybe there's more to him, but I'm guessing probably not.

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You should focus less on Andrew Tate the celebrity and more on Andrew Tate the social phenomenon. Indeed, he will be forgotten. Pop culture flickers and disappears. But the popularity of his persona indicates a market inefficiency, which is that he's tapping into deeply-suppressed anxieties and ambitions.

I would say the same thing about Kim Kardashian... she represents the new American Dream for young girls, which is that sucking the right dick, filming a serendipitous sex tape, can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, can catapult your life into the stratosphere of the Popular and Famous and Beautiful.

Now, that's a horrific message.

But that's why nobody will ever publicly talk about her appeal, other than conveniently agreeing "oh she's so trashy and vapid, I don't see what anyone values in her."

At some point we have to look deep at our problems, if we are serious about solutions.

Celebrities are symbols... the real insight is to examine why they resonate with their audience, and what this indicates about broader trends.

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While there's almost certainly a bit of genuine interest in these vacuous, vapid, venal vermin, I suspect that 'someone' with deep pockets is using AI & human bots to promote these personalities, in order to distract and derail interest in role models that would be more constructive personally & societally, and using censorship (soft and hard) to distract from the latter.

That said, your point about why they resonate, and what it indicates is well taken. I feel that eventually those who can easily be manipulated to focus on vice will pay the price, and those that are focused, or become focused on virtue will remain.

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His Is BAP

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what's so telling is that Tate liked Peterson's daughter, implying some kind of similarity b/t himself and Peterson; that in reality they are two sides of the same politically conservative coin.

there's no either or in this case: the Christian trad must ally with the hedonist chad, that's what forgiveness and grace are all about.

However with the proviso, that chads do nothing against the trad virgins. Too many chads get-off on talking sh*t about trad shut-ins w/o realizing the immense value of having autists who will back-up and defend their reputations and PR. So long as the chad allows himself to be guided by the virtuous his own party life-style is made virtuous and its messiness will always be limited and directed towards virtuous purposes. Let there be unity.

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He's a hero in the same sense as James Bond.

As a nerd with bad fashion sense, I always identified with the Bond villains.

As an aging Christian father this sentiment increases.

Sharks with lasers are in order.

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Imagine that his cam-whores were underage boys...would he still seem so edgy and cool to young men? Essentially he is a Slaver...same as John of God in Brazil. There is a very thin line with this sort of person, between using people and selling them outright-I've seen it in the nightclub business. He is monetizing psychopathy.

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Your comment is intentionally dishonest.

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I don't understand you. There is extensive footage in which he describes seducing a female, and then getting her comfortable with the idea of becoming a cam-performer. Have you not seen that? He laughs about it.

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You would agree with me that Andrew Tate is a shameless liar, right?

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